A rare snow day in the Pacific Northwest.
Fun at the dog park for puppies Bessie and Hazel 5 1/2 months old.
Puppies Hazel and Tilli chew up everything.
Tilli visits her sister and cousins
Family of dogs after their first water practice. Tess, Stella, Mira, Zeke, and Hygge. Tess and Mira and Hygge are sisters. Stella is their Aunt. Zeke is a cousin.
Somebody is coming Hazel, Marlo, Tilli
Best buddies Tilli and Hazel - 10 months old and 8.5 months old.
At the Newfoundland Club Camp-Out Fey won the Least-Picky eating contest. She ate every bite without hesitation - pringle, cheeze-it, turkey dog treat, blueberry, dill pickle, black olive, hot dog, cheddar cheese, carrot, celery, chicken liver, chicken gizzard, pepper, hard boiled egg, green bean, baked potato, hicama, bread, bacon, and watermelon. She has proved that she will eat anything - I always knew that.
Fey does not learn from Xena's experience - she gets stuck under the deck too.
The goose seems unconcerned
The deck is under repair and it affords a too tempting dig opportunity. Xena gets stuck
Marlo and Fey out playing
Fey helped with the house painting
Puppy reunion party - they all went swimming and everybody got along (except for Mom Marlo who was not too nice to her children - "OH NO they came back!"
What's more fun than a car ride! Xena, Fey, Phoebe
The line-up after a long group dog walk at the off-leash park
Snow is fun - Phoebe, Miles, Marlo
Phoebe did the work to get the bumper, but now her puppies want it - Bentley, Teddy, and Marlo
Marlo is proud of the paw-painting she did on my window
Mud hole - oh boy! Dulcie, Phoebe, and Shiloh
Sisters Dulcie and Lacey with baby Phoebe in their bunny outfits at Easter
Shiloh and Miles out for a walk
Abra and Shiloh enjoy the raspberries
Newfs are great companions when you want to go for a walk, explore the woods, go for a swim, play fetch, or just hang out in the back yard.
Dogs Just Want to Have Fun
HarmonyHouse Newfoundlands - Newfoundland Dog Breeder