HarmonyHouse Newfoundlands - Newfoundland Dog Breeder
Tilli at draft practice
Tilli, 19 months old, is Best of Winners at the Bremerton show. Ron Dysart handling.
Tilli running on the beach - Glenenden Beach, Oregon. 20 months old
Tilli at 9 months old
Tilli at 7 months .
Tilli, a few days shy of 11 months old, wins back to back 4 point majors at the Clackamus Kennel Club shows in Canby, Oregon. This is a picture of the Sunday win. Handled by Ron Dysart.
Tilli in the autumn leaves
Born: July 28, 2015
Heart: Normal; Cystinuria: Clear; Hips : good; Elbows: normal
Tilli at 20 months places 3rd in her class at the 2017 Newfoundland Club of America National Specialty at Salishan in Oregon. Ron Dysart handling
HarmonyHouse Newfoundlands © 2013
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