HarmonyHouse Newfoundlands - Newfoundland Dog Breeder

 Lacey WA 98503 us

Handler - Rick Baggenstos

Miles' slide show starting with 10 weeks old

 John Dewing handling.

Kelly Gerrits handling.

A major - John Dewing handling.

Miles places second in his class at the 2007 National Specialty - a real honor

Miles (center), with his sister Kyra (right) help his father, BIS CH Egebaek's After Eight (Zeus), place second in the stud dog class at the 2007 National Specialty.

CH Bifrost's Bold Traveler CGC RN RA DD


November 11, 2004 - December 2013
He could be a handful, but he was devoted to me, he was a hard worker, and I will always miss him.  There will never be another Miles.