HarmonyHouse Newfoundlands - Newfoundland Dog Breeder

 Lacey WA 98503 us

2016 Meet the Breed - In the brown girl line up - Hazel, Nevaeh, and Jezzel.  Loganberry in the foreground.  Getting ready to meet and greet

Xena, a bit tired at the end of her shift
Chasin' loves babies
Fey gets some loving
Chasin' cooperates for picture
Xena and friend
Fey on duty at the Meet the Breed booth
Chasin' gets a photo-op with a group of children
Meet the Breed - Each March the Newfoundland Club of Seattle joins other breed clubs in hosting Meet the Breed booths during the Seattle Kennel Club shows.
This gives the public an opportunity to meet Newfoundlands and get questions answered by experienced Newfoundland people.

Meet the Breed